Pretend I’m Yours by Aiden Bates (Arc) Review!

A Gripping Heart-Warming Read..

Coming across this new release, kind of took me by surprise and I immediately looked forward to reading Pretend I’m Yours, by Aiden Bates for many different reasons.  All of which have led me to such a varied and detailed opinion of said book.  With a dual need for marriage, two men set out on a journey of a seemingly fake relationship for different but very similar reasons, and, as with its many twists and turns, and, shocking moments, its storyline had been an intriguing one that had this reader eager to read from beginning to end..and I’m sure glad that I did..

Pretend I’m Yours, was a gripping, heart-breaking, and heart-warming read with a great storyline containing plentiful sexy and heated moments, many great characters, and, beautifully descriptive scenery that had me wishing to be a part of the gorgeous surroundings right along with the two main characters.  All of which had morphed into an overall great read.

There were many things that I liked about this story.  Clearly, I had enjoyed the storyline, as it had grabbed me right from the beginning as there were many parts to it that I needed to know its direction.  I loved the main characters, Kyler and Saul, and, had enjoyed their fairytale-like relationship as it had developed, unbeknownst to each of them. I had also enjoyed the added secondary characters and had a multitude of emotions for each of them.

That all being said, however, I also felt that there were glitches within this story.  As the storyline was great, its plot was, at times, difficult to follow due to an inconsistent pace, unrealistic moments, and had a surprising sense of developed confusion that threw this reader off on various occasions.   Because of this, a greatly wanted strong and consistent connection for and between the two main characters, within a smooth plot for a great storyline, was lacking throughout parts of the story, despite it all having begun perfectly.

Even though these glitches had existed for this reader, I did, as a whole, enjoy Pretend I’m Yours.  I loved many of the characters, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, had felt such pride for the main characters, had massive emotions at distinct parts, and, was in such a happily formed sense of glee that at the end had this reader glad to have read such a book..:)

*star rating: 3.95 ‘I really liked it’ stars*

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