Fictional-ish by Natalina Reis (Arc) Review!

Fictional-ishFictional-ish by Natalina Reis
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Fictional-ish (ARC) was graciously provided to me by Hot Tree Promotions for an honest review. I have voluntarily read this book and have provided my honest opinion.

“A Gripping and Heart-Warming Read..” 

A heart-breaking and gripping read had this reader on a ferris wheel of thoughts and emotions throughout most of this new read.  Between moments filtered with gushy heart-shaped eyes to moments with an over-whelming need to seriously have an eye-opening discussion with some of the characters, to wanting to take a quick trip to Scotland and Australia, this new story was one that kept me on my toes.

When I first came across an upcoming release from an author who I had read before, and LOVED, I practically fangirled upon seeing this new book predicting and hoping that it would be equally great.  Hope being an operative word here..  What I did find is that this story has many different components each of which had me on the proverbial fence as I read this new story.

Fictional-ish, by Natalina Reis, is a very interesting story with an interesting storyline, a gripping, lengthy and varied plot, a beautiful setting, and, plentiful characters.

As mentioned briefly, this is an interesting and somewhat thought-provoking story.  It’s title very interestingly ties in with the storyline in ways that had this reader needing to stop frequently and allow it’s connection to soak in to a somewhat buzzing mind.  Regardless, I was really on the fence as I read through this story.  While there were many moments when I had melted, as the storyline and a few of the characters were just wonderful as they wore their hearts on their sleeves, who I needed to squeeze-hug tightly, right along others who meant well, and then..then there was a copious amount of moments when the characters just got on my last nerve, who..just need to grow the heck up.  #Justsayin

Despite gravitating towards this story for the beautiful cover, thinking its storyline revolved around love and a bookstore, it is in this reader’s opinion, that it is only a part of the plot..despite having such beauty to it.  In all honesty, much of this story is about the affects of a clingy, verbally abusive, horribly vindictive, spiteful young woman and those who are affected by her antics.

That all being said, despite having for some reason, a somewhat difficult time with the writing, as there were many confusing moments due to either a need for more depth, development or even for clarification, it is still a uniquely heart-warming story that I was so glad for its HEA that despite the need for more of an ending, I still enjoyed it as a whole. 🙂

*star rating: 3.90 ‘I liked it’ stars*

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