Fall Again by Ann Lister (Arc) Review!

Fall Again (The Rock Gods Book 10)Fall Again by Ann Lister



               “An Addicting, Exciting, Emotional, Rock-Infused Story” 

SQUEEEE!  *begins to twirl around*  I am absolutely in love with my most recent read!  It has ev-ry-thing, EVERYTHING, any book lover would love to be able to soak themselves in, through, and, around, it was just that YUMMY!  It had excitement, intrigue, hope, chemistry, humor, giddiness, nail-biting angst, extreme sadness, and plentiful moments of brevity needed for that grab of secondary tissues.

Wow, super great writing was definitely discovered in this new read as, Fall Again, by Ann Lister, was one of those stories that ranked right up there as one of the best.  It doesn’t make a difference that it was the somewhat continuation of book #1 from The Rock Gods Series, as the smoothness and continuity made up for it for a first time or returning reader.  It was one that had just about everything to be able to hold on to this reader, and for this, I did not want to put it down at all.  While, sure, I would have liked more depth in a few areas, and there was a smattering of typos, and it took a little bit to get into initially, but, really?  Meh, it all works out cohesively as one fantastic story.   And, once it got going?  I didn’t-want-it-to-end.

WHOOP!  WHOOP!  I loved the characters and their realistic undertone, the familial love and cohesiveness, THE MUSIC, and then the existence of multiple teasers for future books and incredible storylines had me throwing in the towel for a known repeat for a go-to author for continued great stories.

All of the rock-infused, exciting, heart-warming stories by Ann Lister are ones with such realistic storylines, addicting characters, and, naturally great cameos, that all have this reader eager for the next great read.  I absolutely loved it!  🙂

*star rating: 4.50 ‘I really, really liked this story’ stars*

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