Diving in Deep by Louisa Masters (Arc) Review!

Diving in Deep (Boys of Summer)Diving in Deep by Louisa Masters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Diving in Deep (Boys of Summer) was graciously provided to me by Hot Tree Promotions for an honest review.

               The Beauty and Warmth of the Great Barrier Reef..

Taking a virtual trip to the beautiful crystal blue waters of the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and being able to enjoy its soothing surroundings while remaining comfortably situated thousands of miles away was one of the many benefits of reading my most recent book.  Being able to immerse myself within the warm, tranquil, and, gorgeous waters along with everything else that is synonymous with the area, was an absolute pleasure, especially since said book was such a sweet, sizzling, humorous, and heart-warming read.

     Diving in Deep by Louisa Masters was the perfect first book of a new author to have read and I thoroughly enjoyed it!  Taking place in Australia, my senses had a field day as I took this trip as the writing was just enough for my minds-eye and overall senses to be able to picture the gorgeous setting perfectly.  Even though it was somewhat of a short-story, I loved being able to experience such out-of-this-world beauty right along with the charming and thoroughly adorable characters as they swam right along with the fish of this dreamy destination.

I loved the main characters! Each one was written just right, thereby enabling the reader to be able to understand all of the inner musings and doings of each young man.  The storyline was very realistic and natural as the plot guided the characters Cameron, Troy, and Jake successfully through the, at times, unknown next step in all of their lives.  While there weren’t really any secondary characters, per se, those that did exist were equally well-written.

As this was a seemingly brief taste of a predictably great longer story, I had so very much wished for there to have been more to not only the entire storyline, but, also more depth to the current plot as that which had existed was so very good and over way too soon.  I loved it!  🙂

*star rating: 4.0 ‘I really liked it’ short-story stars*

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