Forever Wilde in Aster Wilde by Lucy Lennox (Arc) Review!

Forever Wilde in Aster Valley (Forever Wilde, #9)Forever Wilde in Aster Valley by Lucy Lennox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


“A Festive Winter Wonderland”

I enjoyed reading Forever Wilde in Aster Valley, by Lucy Lennox, a story set within a beautiful mountainous winter wonderland, with wonderful main characters and select secondary characters from previous stories, making their own hardy cameos within this particular story.  All coming together for a festive family reunion for family and new friends.  It’s certainly a beautiful story with an underlying heartbreaking yet needy heartwarming undertone.  I tend to gravitate toward stories such as these as they tend to be emotionally addicting, angsty, as well as heartwarmingly satisfying.

Forever Wilde in Aster Valley, was a completely different kind of emotional addiction.  With its beautiful setting and dreamy and delightful main characters, my head actually spun with all of the added components of this story.  Exciting familial times during the holidays are very often an experience to be had, and for this, it was something that had this reader hoping for within a smooth, festive, and, harmonious occasion.  However, it was hidden within all of the hoopla.

As almost like a conglomerate of secondary characters, from previous stories, they all seemed to have their own background and their own direction within this particular storyline.  Regardless of having a background map, it’s all just words if it’s out of context.  It is in this reader’s opinion that they all need to have been experienced prior to this particular story.  Having read a few of them, it was exciting to catch-up with them, despite attempting to adjust to all of the others as it was collectively way too much.

Miller and Darius are amazing characters with deeply richly backgrounds.  I was glued to my kindle to become immersed within these characters.  I loved their developing background, chemistry, and need for one another.  Unfortunately, their relationship and actual development fell short for this reader as it was so hidden beneath the inclusion of the army of secondary characters, and as a result it felt rushed and is in need of more depth and development for a smoother connection.

That all being said, I still enjoyed reading Forever Wilde in Aster Valley, with its gorgeous setting, admirable and dedicated main characters, and a flurry of secondary characters, some of which just did not jive with this reader what-so-ever, the story as a whole was a very good one.  I liked it….:)

*star rating: 4.00 ‘I liked this story’ stars*

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