A Book Lover’s Dream Book Blog’s New Logo…

Wow..how excited am I?  So, it’s been a little over a week since my blog went live.  I’ve done so many things to make it look just perfect.  That’s not to say that I still don’t have more new and exciting things coming in the near future!  😉

One of the things that I’ve recently come across is the picture I’ll be using for my new logo.  This picture is beautiful!  It describes what every reader does each time he or she begins, or continues with a book.  As a reader steps into a book, he or she steps into a brand new world and discovers new friends and loved ones, and almost always finds him or herself dreaming about the book each night.

I hope you are all enjoying my blog, are in the middle of a great book, and have nothing but wonderful dreams tonight!  Laura 🙂




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