ARC/Regular Reviews Service Information

Hi!  I wanted to specifically include information here regarding the types of reviews that I write.  I mostly review New Adult books, however I will sometimes review  Young Adult ones as well.  I have included on a separate page the types of genres which I focus on, and, which ones I prefer to avoid.  Please see, “Introduction to Reviews” for that list.

My reviews are very well developed, honest, and thorough.  I am a former teacher, so..details are my specialty!  I always write a detailed review for each and every  book that I receive.  I always finish each book prior to a review, and, will never include a dnf as a review.  I will always write what I liked about the book, and be very diplomatic about what just didn’t work for me, as well as possible suggestions.  I will also always ask each author, as to the specifics of what they’re looking for in a review, aside from the basics.  I will post my review on GR, Amazon and also Barnes & Noble, if requested.

I take each every review very seriously, and, incorporate a calendar for specific due dates for each book that I receive.  I also take pride in writing my reviews which will, in the end, each help each author with their book(s).

If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.  Thank you, Laura 🙂



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