Shadow’s Light by T.L. Travis (Arc) Review!

Shadow's Light (Maiden Voyage, #4)Shadow’s Light by T.L. Travis




                                             “A Gripping, Prideful, Heartwarming Story”

Shadow’s Light, by T.L. Travis, is such a gripping, heart-wrenching story with numerous nail-biting to the nub moments and so many triggers that ugly-crying was inevitable.  I tightly squeeze-loved all of the adorable, brave, and worthy young men and frequently squealed for the inked musicians and their mountainous bodyguards and laughed at their down-to-earth nature.  I found myself bowing down to their heroic and loyal persona on many occasions.

Even though Shadow’s Light is a bit of a continuation from the stories from the Social Sinners and Maiden Voyage Series, I still felt like I came in mid-story and for this needed more character and plot development as it needed a tad more editing as a whole.  It took this reader a little bit to get into the flow with a beautiful connected purpose, but, when it was made, I didn’t want it to end.

Shadow’s Light is an emotionally full and engaging story, but it is also a very heartwarming, humorous, and prideful one as well.  The characters were loyal and loving, selfish and brutal, and actually medicinal and beyond welcoming.  I not only ugly-cried but also had all kinds of warm fuzzies interspersed with giggle-snorts throughout this addicting read.  I loved Shadow’s Light and look forward to more from this mighty rocker world.

*star rating:  4.45 ‘I really, really liked this story’ stars*

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